Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Classic Narcissistic Sociopathic Behaviors

 Isn't this rich?! Love the irony. HaHa!

I have Nikki and her mother stalking me everywhere on the internet. They've come to MY page, not the other way around, yet I'm the stalker. Then, Nikki used one of her favorite tactics to bait me into some drama by sending an empty text. 

I learned this evening that sending empty texts is common among narcissistic sociopaths. It's another one of their bait and switch games. You respond in any way to an empty text, and you have set off a powder keg of drama, with you being accused of starting it, because technically, they didn't text anything. I KNOW! Crazy, right?

 Nikki has done this exact same thing to me before. She sends an empty text. I respond with ? or What? and then she starts the verbal assault, and when I try to tell Jeremey she did this, not me, what's her response? You got it. She didn't start anything. I was the first one to text, because her text had no words in it. HaHa. She does the same thing with emails.

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