Friday, August 28, 2015

She's Evil AND Will Always Be The Victim

The one thing that a narcissistic sociopath is good at is playing the victim.
When you first meet her, she will tell you stories about how horrific her ex was to her and her kids.You won’t know it at the time, but she is accusing her ex of what she was guilty of doing herself during the relationship. If she cheated or was abusive, then she will tell you that he did these things. She will tell you how psycho her ex was and how difficult he was to live with, when the truth is just the opposite. Bank on it.
Whatever lies you are fed, she will be sure she paints herself in a good light and as the victim in the story. She is great at turning on the waterworks and giving a good sob story. You will be made to feel that the only reason she’s confiding these things in you is because she trusts you with this painful and embarrassing information. You will feel so special you are the one she has chosen to confide her deepest “secrets” (AKA her lies), and she will ask you not to say anything to anyone because its just too embarrassing, when the truth of the matter is, she doesn’t want you engaging in a conversation about her psycho ex simply because you may just hear the REAL truth. You will be manipulated to think ‘I would never treat you this way‘. Narcissistic sociopaths use this to test how giving you are, how caring you are and how easily she can manipulate and control you.

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