Sunday, September 13, 2015

Narcopath And Morally-Disordered

Two new terms I found this week are narcopath and morally-disordered.

Narcopath is used to describe several types of anti-socials, primarily malignant narcissists and narcissistic sociopaths. Really just a shorthand descriptor. I like it.

I ran across the term “morally-disordered” as an identifier of the narcopath. Most scholars refer to narcopaths as “personality-disordered”, and always list lack of conscience, no moral compass, lack of empathy, etc as generally recognized traits of people found to be narcopaths. These people appear to operate without a normal moral compass, yet they are fully aware of what they are doing. They aren't crazy or out of touch with reality, or at least their own version of it. They knowingly, and with the full use of reason, select a particular target for destruction.

They ruin reputations, relationships, and even livelihoods with impunity. They don't appear to suffer any interior turmoil because of their behavior.

Everything they do to harm someone else is a choice. They also have sufficient time to reflect upon their actions, because bringing another person down requires a lot of advance planning and manipulation of everyone else in the environment. This all reflects an underlying lack of morals.

Yes, they certainly may have a personality disorder, but they definitely are morally-disordered. Don’t you agree?

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