Thursday, March 27, 2014

Response To My Son’s Narcissistic Girlfriend’s Efforts to Get Me To Pay Attention To Her

Message cropped
This was sent to me by you and my son a day or so before my trip to see Bryden with Hope and Neni.
Then you want to play your game of making yourself out to be a victim, and using your child to do so, by posting messages to me from his Instagram account while he was in school today?
2014-03-27 041
then a few hours later you post this on FaceBook so everyone sees you as the victim of a mean ole person, and showers you with attention, which is all you want anyway.
NOW READ SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY:  I have asked you several times to stop contacting me. All you are looking for is drama, and as far as I’m concerned this is your problem, not mine. Now leave me alone. NO CONTACT MEANS JUST THAT, NO CONTACT.
Do not use your mother or my grandson to do your dirty work.

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