Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Female Narcissistic Sociopaths Use Public Humiliation to Control Partners

It may seem funny or cute to the on-looker, but it’s a well-orchestrated planned character attack on a man she supposedly cares about. She will emasculate you by attacking your very core. She will attack you for past transgressions, never letting you put the past behind you. Why? Because she is a sadist bitch who uses public humiliation to keep you under her control. How? All with a look and appearance of innocence and playfulness – when in truth it is gut-wrenching for to you, this woman who is supposed to care about you rips you apart and never feels remorse.

When she first starts doing this you feel a tightness in your chest and gut, and when you lash back in anger, she tells you you’re being too sensitive, and to get over it “It was only a joke” “No one takes it seriously” she says to minimize the hurt she causes.

Does she stop when she sees that her “jokes” hurt you? No, she continues and eventually, she conditions you to absorb the guilt, shame and embarrassment, and like it. It is a sick twisted game she plays. I’ve witnessed Nikki Miller doing this time and time again. And to make it even more embarrassing, she can always count on her flying monkeys to join in on the attack, all under the guise of playful banter, but make no mistake, she is a sheep in wolf’s clothing and will not stop until she has completely destroyed the man you used to be.

Should someone with a conscious point this out, she will not only dismiss the criticizer and the criticism as unjust, her control over you is so complete, you will go on the attack, just to appease her, and, of course, as usual, she will play the poor victim role to a tee. 

Have you ever tried turning the tables on her, and playful make jabs about her past and current mistakes? Like her cheating on you or her stealing your property or her taking your entire paycheck and leaving you broke, etc? I guarantee you will see that narcissistic rage rise. She will cry and play the victim to your meanness, and all her flying monkeys will come to her defense, even though you were only “joking”. A narcopath only has a sense of humor when the joke is on you – never forget this.

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