Friday, November 13, 2015

Perfect Example of Narcopath's Grandiosity

This is an example of Nikki Miller's abusive character, and evidence of her distorted belief that my life revolves around her.
Now, I spent most of the day with a family member who has stage 3 lymphoma and is in town at the hospital receiving chemotherapy, but this narcopath wants everyone, especially my son, to believe I spent the entire day trying to find something to write about for this blog. She also demands I stop tagging her name. I have on numerous other articles, but not this one. Did she even bother to see before she started running her mouth, because I can tell you with almost absolute certainty that if she put it in a comment to me, the she was playing the victim role to the hilt and telling anyone who would listen that I tagged her name in the article she commented on. I wonder if any one of her flying monkeys had the guts to tell her, her name was not tagged. I doubt it.

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