Friday, August 28, 2015

She's Evil AND Will Always Be The Victim

The one thing that a narcissistic sociopath is good at is playing the victim.
When you first meet her, she will tell you stories about how horrific her ex was to her and her kids.You won’t know it at the time, but she is accusing her ex of what she was guilty of doing herself during the relationship. If she cheated or was abusive, then she will tell you that he did these things. She will tell you how psycho her ex was and how difficult he was to live with, when the truth is just the opposite. Bank on it.
Whatever lies you are fed, she will be sure she paints herself in a good light and as the victim in the story. She is great at turning on the waterworks and giving a good sob story. You will be made to feel that the only reason she’s confiding these things in you is because she trusts you with this painful and embarrassing information. You will feel so special you are the one she has chosen to confide her deepest “secrets” (AKA her lies), and she will ask you not to say anything to anyone because its just too embarrassing, when the truth of the matter is, she doesn’t want you engaging in a conversation about her psycho ex simply because you may just hear the REAL truth. You will be manipulated to think ‘I would never treat you this way‘. Narcissistic sociopaths use this to test how giving you are, how caring you are and how easily she can manipulate and control you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Brief Explanation of Triangulation by the Narcissistic Sociopath

Healthy relationships thrive on security; unhealthy ones are filled with provocation, uncertainty and infidelity. If your partner constantly creates love triangles and brings in the opinions of others to validate her point of view, then you need to be aware that this behavior is considered emotional abuse, and a form of covert manipulation. She does this to an excessive extent in order to play puppeteer to your emotions. 

Triangulation is a popular way the narcissist maintains control over your emotions. Triangulation consists of bringing the presence of another person into the dynamic of the relationship, whether it be an ex-lover, a current interest, a relative, or a complete stranger.

This triangulation can take place over social media, in person, or even through the narcissist’s own verbal accounts of the other man. The narcissist relies on jealousy as a powerful emotion that can cause you to compete for her affections, so provocative statements like “I wish you’d be more like him,” or “He wants me back into his life, I don’t know what to do” are emotional abuse designed to trigger you into competing and feeling insecure about your position in the narcissist’s life.

Unlike healthy relationships where jealousy is communicated and dealt with in a productive manner, the narcissist will belittle your feelings and continue inappropriate flirtations and affairs without a second thought. 

Triangulation is the way the narcissist maintains control and keeps you in check — you’re so busy competing for her attention that you’re less likely to be focusing on the red flags within the relationship or looking for ways to get out of the relationship. This is only one of the manipulative ways a narcopath controls those in their lives.

Female Narcissistic Sociopaths Use Public Humiliation to Control Partners

It may seem funny or cute to the on-looker, but it’s a well-orchestrated planned character attack on a man she supposedly cares about. She will emasculate you by attacking your very core. She will attack you for past transgressions, never letting you put the past behind you. Why? Because she is a sadist bitch who uses public humiliation to keep you under her control. How? All with a look and appearance of innocence and playfulness – when in truth it is gut-wrenching for to you, this woman who is supposed to care about you rips you apart and never feels remorse.

When she first starts doing this you feel a tightness in your chest and gut, and when you lash back in anger, she tells you you’re being too sensitive, and to get over it “It was only a joke” “No one takes it seriously” she says to minimize the hurt she causes.

Does she stop when she sees that her “jokes” hurt you? No, she continues and eventually, she conditions you to absorb the guilt, shame and embarrassment, and like it. It is a sick twisted game she plays. I’ve witnessed Nikki Miller doing this time and time again. And to make it even more embarrassing, she can always count on her flying monkeys to join in on the attack, all under the guise of playful banter, but make no mistake, she is a sheep in wolf’s clothing and will not stop until she has completely destroyed the man you used to be.

Should someone with a conscious point this out, she will not only dismiss the criticizer and the criticism as unjust, her control over you is so complete, you will go on the attack, just to appease her, and, of course, as usual, she will play the poor victim role to a tee. 

Have you ever tried turning the tables on her, and playful make jabs about her past and current mistakes? Like her cheating on you or her stealing your property or her taking your entire paycheck and leaving you broke, etc? I guarantee you will see that narcissistic rage rise. She will cry and play the victim to your meanness, and all her flying monkeys will come to her defense, even though you were only “joking”. A narcopath only has a sense of humor when the joke is on you – never forget this.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Avoiding Reality Is Dangerous Business When In A Relationship With A Narcissistic Sociopath

I heard some one once describe denial like this, It's like covering your eyes and walking straight across a busy highway. Now that denial is gonna hurt!
By not seeing yourself or a situation for how it really is you can't possibly react, behave or respond appropriately.  We all have a certain degree of warped reality.  There are certain things in all our lives that we either can't or won't face the reality of or we don't even know that we are not seeing the realty.
By responding to a situation with beliefs that are not real for so long sets up patterns of destructive behaviors which can adversely affect our well-being.
Denial is sometimes intentional.  Sometimes it's easier to think a certain way about things than to face the reality of them.  An obvious example would be a bad relationship.  We will "overlook" bad behavior and even abuse from other people in order to avoid the reality of the relationship.  Then guess what?  We suffer.  We let ourselves be hurt over and over and we stay attached to some one that chips away at our soul.
This affects our self worth, self esteem and our strength as a human. We feel weak. We may develop anxiety, emotional disorders and physical health issues. This all stems from denial.
We avoid reality and live in denial out of fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of facing change, fear of something unfamiliar.  Denial allows us to NOT CHANGE!  Changing takes work.
How do we face reality?
First of all you must have the ability to be honest with yourself.  Even those individuals that have mental health issues have the ability to be honest with themselves.  Some people just don't.  This is a sad reality.You must have a strong, realistic person in your life to help you process your truth and call you on your stuff!
You must be willing and ready to make some serious changes.
You must be willing to allow yourself to feel peace and happiness.
OK, no one likes it when some one calls you on stuff. But if you have some one in your life that can do it appropriately they are exactly the kind of people you want in your life.  They will gently help you see the reality of things and they will be there to help you process it.  Some times we are so warped and think a certain way about things our whole lives that we have to have an outside perspective to find a new way of thinking.
What does happen when you face reality? Once you see a behavior, thought pattern or situation for what it really is, you can't possibly go on living with it.  If we do then we are no longer victims we are full-on volunteers!
Don't panic.  Most changes are simply the way we think about things and see things.  They are simple, but we just don't see them.  We just need an enlightenment or an Aha moment. Most changes are small yet life changing.  They are just unfamiliar and different for us.  Having a counselor, spiritual adviser, coach or consultant with a detached perspective to help you in the process is the only way to do this.  They won't tell you what you want to hear and they won't be clouded by emotions and personal history. You can't do this alone. YOUR thinking is what got you to where you are right now.
There are number of ways to start finding the reality of things.  Start by looking at all your relationships.  Is there a pattern of behavior in your partner that never changes? Do you ignore or look the other way when promises she made to you are broken or left unfulfilled? Does your partner cause you anxiety when you're with her? Are you afraid to say what you feel for fear of the narcissistic rage you've experienced in the past? Are you avoiding certain people or situations because of this relationship? 
Do you want to be joyful and live the best life you can?  Do you really?  Knowing the truth is always best, even if it's not the truth you want.  Imagine yourself knowing the truth about why you feel certain ways, think certain ways, behave certain ways. Most of the time when you do this and accept it, you can actually look back and laugh at yourself.  And imagine the freedom of knowing you never have to follow old destructive patterns out of a warped reality or denial again. Imagine having healthy behaviors and responses to people and situation that used to mess you up.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Proxy Recruitment

A narcissistic sociopath will attack you, malign your character and tell lies about you to anyone who will listen. They will recruit their flying monkeys to do the same. She may even manipulate a few into carrying through with her threats of violence. do that. She wants to pull the strings, call the shots, and be in control of it all, but stay in the background, so she can give the appearance of innocence. This is what all narcissistic sociopaths do.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Proxy Recruitment AKA The Flying Monkeys

Proxy Recruitment is a way narcissistic sociopaths have of controlling or abusing another person by manipulating other people into unwittingly backing them up, speaking for them or “doing their dirty work” for them.

Narcissistic Sociopaths Lie In Order To Dominate Others

Because relationships are games to them, and because they view other people as objects and feel completely justified in exploiting them, psychopaths know that deception creates an uneven playing field. Lying is integral to impression management and mirroring; the lies enable NSs to present false images of themselves to potential targets. Those targets lose the ability to make safe and appropriate decisions. They enter into the relationships, unaware of the danger in store for them. Then, once the targets are hooked, NSs continue to use lies, along with a sprinkling of truth, in a multitude of ways, to ensure that their targets keep “playing.” They lie to cover up cheating, alcoholism, drug use, and sometimes various illegal activities. They lie through evasion and by withholding information. They lie as a form of gaslighting, in order to increase their control over their targets by making them constantly question themselves. They often repeatedly tell the ultimate lie, that they “love” their targets. And, they lie just for the fun of it

Professional Liars

Pathological lying and psychopathy are inextricably linked.

Unfortunately, the above truth is obscured by a popular, and dangerous, assumption that exists within our society; it is even supported by research. This assumption is:everyone lies. Since everyone does it, since lying is apparently so universal and typical, it follows that it must not be that bad. Right? Wrong. 

Yes, almost all of us have told white lies to spare others’ feelings or with the intention of protecting others. And normal people lie to hide the shame they feel about wrongdoings or because they fear the consequences of their mistakes. But, there are other people who lie habitually, with the intent to deceive and manipulate others for their own personal gain, and they do not feel bad about doing it. In fact, they revel in it. These people are pathological liars, and they are narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths and any malignant combination of the three. 

After much research, I have concluded that all pathological and compulsive liars have personality disorders, and those disorders can be placed on a psychopathic spectrum. 

Pathological lying is the opposite of normal. I will repeat that: pathological lying is the opposite of normal

It is irrelevant that researchers have discovered evidence that everyone lies in one way or another. Not only are most lies damaging, psychopathic lies are beyond the scope of what most people can even imagine when they think about lying. When someone lies habitually, that behavior pattern is always connected to other extremely disturbing traits and behaviors. 

Lying is like breathing for narcissistic sociopaths, and they use it as a manipulation tool

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Classic Narcissistic Sociopathic Behaviors

 Isn't this rich?! Love the irony. HaHa!

I have Nikki and her mother stalking me everywhere on the internet. They've come to MY page, not the other way around, yet I'm the stalker. Then, Nikki used one of her favorite tactics to bait me into some drama by sending an empty text. 

I learned this evening that sending empty texts is common among narcissistic sociopaths. It's another one of their bait and switch games. You respond in any way to an empty text, and you have set off a powder keg of drama, with you being accused of starting it, because technically, they didn't text anything. I KNOW! Crazy, right?

 Nikki has done this exact same thing to me before. She sends an empty text. I respond with ? or What? and then she starts the verbal assault, and when I try to tell Jeremey she did this, not me, what's her response? You got it. She didn't start anything. I was the first one to text, because her text had no words in it. HaHa. She does the same thing with emails.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Lies and Flying Monkeys

My son's girlfriend is the narcissistic sociopath in my life. She has been relentless in her smear campaign against me. When I finally got the evidence to prove she was the instigator and not the victim, she suddenly wanted to call a truce of sorts. She would stop maligning my character and trying to bait me on line if I would "just leave her alone". Of course, we only reached this point because she could no longer deny the truth. 

However, within 6 hours of this "agreement" I began receiving texts and messages from her mother, her father and her 12 year old daughter. Still haven't heard a word from her, so I'm thinking she believes she pulled a fast one on me. What kind of person does this?

Intelligent Adults can be Brainwashed

Here is an excellent article from the website Shrink4Men that describes in detail that indeed grown people can be brainwashed by abusive partners. The article describes how its done and the difficulties faced when outsiders see it in action and attempt to warn their friend or family member.